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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Out of Vallhalla

There is a way to get out of Vallhalla.. You may have seen the Video on You Tube...But that exit point has now been stopped...
There is another route out so i'll write my T.U.T now whilst it's fresh and i will create a video later and post on YOU Tube... I dont want the nice people at Bungie.net to block this on....

1: Go to the blue base
2: Get the Mongoose
3: Grab a passenger
4: On the left side is a group of two rocks, (the same one's you use to jump on for the other exit)
5: Reverse the mongoose between the small rock in front of the two rocks and stop when the rear starts to lift.
5: Get your passenger to jump off and face the sea.
6: Then they Crouch walk foward and there through...

**I think this is best for V.I.P becasue if you get the V.I.P out of the map, they are behind a Invisible wall and protected**

If you want the banshee,Warthog or Mongoose out with them, then dump that into the water next to the rocks and throw a grenade at it so it bounces out...
Im working on a video... I will be released soon... But only when the Beta has EXPIRED!!!

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