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Sunday, March 25, 2007

XBL Down!!! Halo 3 BETA??

Pulled this from xbox.com
Xbox Live, Xbox.com Offline March 27, 2007
We've got some scheduled maintenance coming up and want to let all of you know that both the Xbox Live service and Xbox.com will be offline and unavailable starting at midnight Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday March 27, 2007 for approximately fourteen hours."

They say for scheduled maintenance, but 14 hours that one long shift!!!

All this talk about Halo 3 Beta on April Fools Day!! mmm... Who know's what to belive.. maybe it will happen.. Especially now seeing XBL is going down...All i can say is April 1st is such a clever day to release a BETA on.. Everybody wants to belive it's true.. but has a small amount of doubt that is all a trick. But rest-assured we will all put our copies of crackdown in on April 1st and either get the Holy Grail of all BETA downloads or the guys a Bungie will be laughing there Pink socks off111

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